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How Can Home Warranty Plans Boost Your Property Management Business?

Are you a property manager or real estate pro looking to grow your business? Home warranty plans might be the key you're missing. These plans can help you offer better service to your clients and save money on repairs. They work by covering the cost of fixing things like appliances and systems in homes. This article will show you how partnering with home warranty companies can help your business grow. Did you know that about 80% of home buyers say they'd use their real estate agent again, but only 12% actually do? Let's explore how home warranty plans can help you keep more clients.

What Are Home Warranty Plans?

Home warranty plans are like insurance for the stuff in a house that can break. They cover things like fridges, air conditioners, and plumbing. When something breaks, the homeowner calls the warranty company, and they send someone to fix it. This is different from homeowners insurance, which covers big problems like fires or storms.

For property managers and real estate agents, these plans can be a big help. They make it easier to deal with repairs in the homes you manage. Instead of finding repair people yourself, the warranty company does it for you. This can save you time and hassle.

Many home warranty companies have a network of repair professionals. This means you can count on getting help quickly when something breaks. Fast repairs keep tenants happy and can make your job easier.

Benefits for Property Management Companies

If you run a property management company, home warranty plans can make your life easier in several ways:

  • Less stress about repairs
  • Happier tenants because things get fixed faster
  • Lower costs for fixing things
  • More time to focus on growing your business

When you partner with a home warranty company, you're not just buying a service. You're getting a team to help you manage repairs. This can be especially helpful if you manage lots of properties. You don't have to keep a long list of repair people or worry about finding someone trustworthy at the last minute.

Home warranty plans can also help you stand out from other property management companies. When you offer this service to property owners, it shows you're thinking about their needs. It can be a selling point to get new clients and keep the ones you have.


How Real Estate Agencies Can Benefit

Real estate agents can use home warranty plans to help both buyers and sellers. For sellers, offering a home warranty can make their house more attractive to buyers. It's like saying, "Don't worry about repairs for the first year – they're covered!"

For buyers, especially first-time homeowners, a home warranty can give peace of mind. They might be nervous about buying an older home or worried about surprise expenses. A home warranty can help them feel more confident about their purchase.

Using home warranty plans can also help you build long-term relationships with your clients. When they need repairs, they'll remember you helped them get coverage. This can lead to more referrals and repeat business.

Choosing the Right Home Warranty Partner

Not all home warranty companies are the same. When you're looking for a partner, here are some things to consider:

  • How many repair professionals do they have in your area?
  • How quickly do they respond to repair requests?
  • What exactly do their plans cover?
  • How much do the plans cost?
  • What do their customers say about them?

It's a good idea to talk to other property managers or real estate agents about their experiences. They might have good advice about which companies are best to work with.

Making the Most of Your Partnership

Once you've chosen a home warranty partner, there are ways to get the most out of the relationship:

  • Learn all about the plans they offer so you can explain them well to your clients.
  • Keep track of how often the warranty is used and how it helps your business.
  • Ask your clients for feedback about their experience with the warranty company.
  • Use the warranty as a selling point in your marketing materials.

Remember, the goal is to make your job easier and your clients happier. Home warranty plans can help you do both if you use them well.

Wrapping Up

Home warranty plans can be a powerful tool for growing your property management or real estate business. They can help you offer better service, save time and money on repairs, and build stronger relationships with your clients. By choosing the right partner and using the plans effectively, you can set your business apart and create more value for your clients.


The Benefits of Home Warranty Plans for Your Business

Home warranty plans can be a game-changer for property management companies and real estate agencies. These plans offer peace of mind to property owners and can make your job easier. Let's look at some key ways they can help your business grow.

Saving Time and Money

One of the biggest perks of working with home warranty plans is that they can save you a lot of time and money. When something breaks in a property you manage, you don't have to spend hours finding a good repair person. The warranty company takes care of that for you. This means you can focus on other important parts of your business.

These plans can also help cut down on repair costs. Instead of paying full price for every fix, you often just pay a small service fee. This can make a big difference, especially if you manage lots of properties.

Keeping Clients Happy

Happy clients are more likely to stick with your company and recommend you to others. Home warranty plans can help boost client satisfaction in several ways. First, they make repairs happen faster. When something breaks, your clients won't have to wait long for it to be fixed.

These plans also take some stress off your clients' shoulders. They don't have to worry about surprise repair bills or finding trustworthy repair people. This can make them feel more secure and satisfied with your services.

Standing Out from the Competition

In a crowded market, it's important to offer something special. Home warranty plans can be that something special for your business. When you tell potential clients that you work with a warranty company, it shows them you're thinking ahead. You're not just managing their property; you're helping protect their investment.

This can be especially helpful for real estate agents. Offering a home warranty with a house sale can make your listings more attractive to buyers. It gives them extra confidence in their purchase, which could help you close more deals.

Building Long-Term Relationships

The property management and real estate business is all about relationships. Home warranty plans can help you build stronger, longer-lasting connections with your clients. When you help them avoid the headaches of home repairs, they'll appreciate your services more.

These plans also give you more reasons to stay in touch with your clients. You can check in about how the warranty is working for them or remind them when it's time to renew. These touch points keep you in their minds, which can lead to more business down the road.

Streamlining Your Operations

Managing repairs across multiple properties can be a logistical nightmare. Home warranty plans can help simplify this process. Instead of juggling different repair companies for each issue, you have one point of contact for most problems.

This streamlined approach can make your whole operation run more smoothly. It's easier to keep track of what's happening across all your properties when there's a consistent system in place.

Improving Your Marketing

Home warranty plans give you something concrete to talk about in your marketing. You can highlight how these plans make life easier for property owners. This can be a powerful selling point, especially for people who are new to property ownership or management.

You can use stories of how these plans have helped your clients in your marketing materials. Real examples of money saved or problems solved quickly can be very persuasive to potential clients.

Choosing the Right Home Warranty Partner

Not all home warranty companies are created equal. It's important to do your research and choose a partner that will really benefit your business. Here are some things to look for:

  • Good reputation: Check reviews and ask other professionals for recommendations.
  • Wide coverage: Make sure the plan covers all the major systems and appliances in a home.
  • Fast response times: The company should be quick to respond to repair requests.
  • Clear terms: The warranty agreement should be easy to understand, with no hidden fees or confusing language.
  • Strong network: The company should have a large network of qualified repair professionals.

By choosing the right partner, you can make sure that home warranty plans truly help your business grow. With the right plan in place, you can offer better service, save time and money, and build stronger relationships with your clients.

Training and Support for Home Warranty Partners

When you partner with a home warranty company, you're not just getting access to a network of repair professionals. You're also getting valuable training and support to help your business grow. Let's look at how this can benefit you and your team.

Learning the Ropes

Home warranty companies often offer training programs for their partners. These programs teach you and your staff about the ins and outs of home warranties. You'll learn about what's covered, how to handle claims, and how to explain the benefits to your clients.

This training is usually free and can be done online or in person. It's a great way to get everyone on your team up to speed quickly. The more your team knows, the better they can serve your clients and answer questions.

Ongoing Education

The home warranty industry is always changing. New products come out, and coverage options get updated. Good home warranty companies keep their partners in the loop with ongoing education.

This might include webinars, newsletters, or even in-person workshops. These resources help you stay current on industry trends and best practices. When you're well-informed, you can give your clients the best advice and service possible.

Marketing Support

Many home warranty companies offer marketing materials to their partners. This can include brochures, flyers, and digital content. These materials can help you explain home warranties to your clients in a clear and professional way.

Some companies even offer customized marketing support. They might help you create ads or social media posts that fit your specific business needs. This can be a big help, especially if you don't have a big marketing budget of your own.

Customer Service Backup

When you partner with a home warranty company, you're not alone in handling customer questions and concerns. Most companies have their own customer service teams that can help your clients directly.

This means you don't have to be an expert on every little detail of the warranty. If a client has a complex question, you can refer them to the warranty company's customer service. This frees up your time to focus on other parts of your business.

Tech Tools and Resources

Many home warranty companies offer online portals or apps for their partners. These tools can make your job easier in several ways. You might be able to submit claims, check on their status, or access important documents all in one place.

Some companies even offer tools to help you track your sales and commissions. This can make it easier to see how much the partnership is benefiting your business.

Networking Opportunities

Partnering with a home warranty company can open doors to new networking opportunities. Some companies host events where partners can meet and share ideas. This can be a great way to learn from others in your industry and maybe even find new business opportunities.

Problem-Solving Support

When issues come up, it's good to know you have backup. Home warranty companies often have dedicated support teams for their partners. If you run into a tricky situation with a client or a claim, you can reach out for help.

This support can be especially valuable if you're new to working with home warranties. It's like having an expert on call to help you navigate any challenges that come up.

Feedback and Improvement

Good partnerships are a two-way street. Many home warranty companies actively seek feedback from their partners. They want to know what's working well and what could be better.

By sharing your thoughts and experiences, you can help shape the services and support you receive. This feedback loop can lead to improvements that benefit both you and your clients.


At OnPoint, we understand the importance of comprehensive support for our partners. Our training programs, marketing resources, and dedicated support teams are designed to help your business thrive. We believe that when our partners succeed, we all succeed.

We offer a range of tools and resources to make managing home warranties easier for you and your team. From our user-friendly online portal to our customized marketing materials, we're committed to supporting your growth every step of the way.

Working with home warranties can open up new opportunities for your business. It can help you offer more value to your clients and set you apart from the competition. If you're interested in learning more about how partnering with OnPoint can benefit your business, we'd love to hear from you. Let's work together to build a stronger, more successful future for your business.

Contact Us

Jenniffer Breitenstein

Jenniffer, a 25-year veteran marketing, operations and CX executive, has demonstrated success in driving growth and execution for global service industry companies like OnPoint Warranty Solutions, ServicePower, GE, Service Net and Accent Marketing. Jenniffer is a certified 6 Sigma Green Belt, GE MDC graduate, former board member of the GE Louisville Area Education Advisory Committee and Elfun Chapter, co- chair of the GE Women’s Network Community Service Committee and was named one of the 30 Most Inspiring Women In Business in November 2017 by Insight Success Magazine.  She was named a 2019 Powerful Woman in Consumer Technology by Dealerscope and was a 2019 Stevie Award Woman in Business Bronze winner.

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